Linjie Lu, Kana Fuji, Tristan Guyomar, Michèle Lieb, Marie André, Sakurako Tanida, Makiko Nonomura, Tetsuya Hiraiwa, Yara Alcheikh, Siham Yennek, Heike Petzold, Cecilie Martin-Lemaitre, Anne Grapin-Botton,* Alf Honigmann,* Masaki Sano,* Daniel Riveline,* (2025) Generic rules of lumen nucleation and fusion in epithelial organoids, BioRxiv, to appear in Nature Communications.
S. Lo Vecchio, O. Pertz, M. Szopos, L. Navoret*, D. Riveline*, Spontaneous rotations in epithelia as an interplay between cell polarity and boundaries, Nature Physics20, 322–331 (2024) BioRxiv.
Linjie Lu, Tristan Guyomar, Quentin Vagne, Rémi Berthoz, Alejandro Torres-Sánchez, Michèle Lieb, Cecilie Martin-Lemaitre, Kobus van Unen, Alf Honigmann, Olivier Pertz, Guillaume Salbreux*, Daniel Riveline*, Polarity-driven three-dimensional spontaneous rotation of a cell doublet, Nature Physics 20, 1194–1203 (2024) BioRxiv.
Markus Mukenhirn, Chen-Ho Wang, Tristan Guyomar, Matthew J. Bovyn, Michael F. Staddon, Riccardo Maraspini, Linjie Lu, Cecilie Martin-Lemaitre, Masaki Sano, Tetsuya Hiraiwa, Daniel Riveline*, Alf Honigmann*, Tight junctions regulate lumen morphology via hydrostatic pressure and junctional tension, Developmental Cell 59, 1–16 (2024) BioRxiv.
Karsten Kruse*, Rémi Berthoz, Luca Barberi, Anne-Cécile Reymann, Daniel Riveline*, Acto-myosin clusters as active units shaping living matter, to appear in Current Biology, arXiv.
Sakurako Tanida, Kana Fuji, Linjie Lu, Tristan Guyomar, Byung Ho Lee, Alf Honigmann, Anne Grapin-Botton, Daniel Riveline, Tetsuya Hiraiwa, Makiko Nonomura, Masaki Sano, The interplay between lumen pressure and cell proliferation determines organoid morphology in a multicellular phase field model, BioRxiv.
TristanGuyomar, LinjieLu, TetsuyaHiraiwa, DanielRiveline, Asymmetry of acto-myosin cortices as active fluids shape cells in organoids, BioRxiv.
Byung Ho Lee, Kana Fuji, Heike Petzold, Phil Seymour, Siham Yennek, Coline Schewin, Allison Lewis, Daniel Riveline, Tetsuya Hiraiwa, Masaki Sano, Anne Grapin-Botton, Control of lumen geometry and topology by the interplay between pressure and cell proliferation rate in pancreatic organoids, BioRxiv.
Alka Bhat, Rémi Berthoz, Simon Lo Vecchio, Coralie Spiegelhalter, Shigenobu Yonemura, Olivier Pertz, Daniel Riveline, Myosin cluster dynamics determines epithelial wound ring constriction, BioRxiv.
A. Godeau, M. Leoni, J. Comelles, T. Guyomar, M. Lieb, H. Delanoe-Ayari, A. Ott, S. Harlepp, P. Sens, D. Riveline, 3D single cell migration driven by temporal correlation between oscillating force dipoles. eLife 11, e71032 (2022).
R. Thiagarajan, A. Bhat, G. Salbreux, M.M. Inamdar, D. Riveline, Pulsations and flows in tissues : two collective dynamics with simple cellular rules. iScience 25, 105053 (2022).
K. Fuji, S. Tanida, M. Sano, M. Nonomura, D. Riveline, H. Honda, T. Hiraiwa, Computational approaches for simulating luminogenesis. Semin. Cell. Dev. Biol.131, 173 (2022).
J. Comelles, S.S. Soumya, L. Lu, E. Le Maout, S. Anvitha, G. Salbreux, F. Jülicher, M.M. Inamdar, D. Riveline, Epithelial colonies in vitro elongate through collective effects. eLife10, e57730 (2021).
S. Lo Vecchio, R. Thiagarajan, D. Caballero, V. Vigon, L. Navoret, R. Voituriez, D. Riveline, Collective dynamics of focal adhesions regulate direction of cell motion.Cell Systems10, 535 (2020).
D. Riveline, S. Lo Vecchio, « Stochastic Resonance » for Individual Cells, Biophysical Journal 118, 533 (2020).
X. Le Goff, J. Comelles, C. Kervrann, D. Riveline, Ends and middle: global force balance determines septum location in fission yeast.European Physical Journal E.43, 31 (2020).
E. Le Maout, S. Lo Vecchio, P. K. Korla, J. J.-C. Sheu, D. Riveline, Ratchetaxis in channels: entry point and local asymmetry set cell directions in confinement, Biophysical Journal 119, 1301 (2020).
Destinies of scientists (Interviews of scientists in french):
Destins de scientifiques 2024. Ils sont chercheurs au CNRS de très haut niveau. En physique, chimie ou biologie, leurs travaux commencés dans les années 50 ont permis des avancées majeures. Entretiens avec Edouard Brézin, Nicole Le Douarin, Peter Trommsdorff, Hélène Langevin-Joliot. Réalisation : Cécile Patingre. Diffusion : CNRS Images.
Representative articles by topics:
Cell motility: Ratchetaxis and Scallop Theorem
A. Godeau, M. Leoni, J. Comelles, T. Guyomar, M. Lieb, H. Delanoe-Ayari, A. Ott, S. Harlepp, P. Sens, D. Riveline, 3D single cell migration driven by temporal correlation between oscillating force dipoles. eLife 11, e71032 (2022).
S. Lo Vecchio, R. Thiagarajan, D. Caballero, V. Vigon, L. Navoret, R. Voituriez, D. Riveline, Collective dynamics of focal adhesions regulate direction of cell motion.Cell Systems10, 535 (2020).
E. Le Maout, S. Lo Vecchio, P. K. Korla, J. J.-C. Sheu, D. Riveline, Ratchetaxis in channels: entry point and local asymmetry set cell directions in confinement, Biophys. J. 119, 1301 (2020).
J. Comelles, D. Caballero, R. Voituriez, V. Hortigüela, V. Wollrab, A. L. Godeau, J. Samitier, E. Martínez, D. Riveline, Cells as Active Particles in Asymmetric Potentials: Motility under External Gradients.Biophys. J.107, 1513 (2015).
D. Caballero, R. Voituriez, D. Riveline, Protrusion fluctuations direct cell motion.Biophys. J.107, 34 (2014).
Lammelipodia growth promoter: supramolecular compounds specific to actin
D. Riveline, R. Thiagarajan, J. M. Lehn, M. F. Carlier, Synthetic polyamines: new compounds specific to actin dynamics for mammalian cell and fission yeast.Bioarchitecture.4, 114 (2014).
I. Nedeva, G. Koripelly, D. Caballero, L. Chièze, B. Guichard, B. Romain, E. Pencreach, J. M. Lehn, M. F. Carlier, D. Riveline, Synthetic polyamines promote rapid lamellipodial growth by regulating actin dynamics.Nat. Commun.4, 2165 (2013).
Cytokinesis: myosin clusters dynamics and rings constriction
V. Wollrab, R. Thiagarajan, A. Wald, K. Kruse, D. Riveline, Still and rotating myosin clusters determine cytokinetic ring constriction.Nat. Commun.7, 11860 (2016).
V. Wollrab, D. Caballero, R. Thiagarajan, D. Riveline, Ordering single cells and single embryos in 3D confinement: A new device for high content screening.J. Vis. Exp.115, e51880 (2016).
D. Riveline, A. Buguin, Devices and methods for observing the cell division. WO/2010/092116.Patent (2010).
Morphogenesis in vitro: collective effects in cells
R. Thiagarajan, A. Bhat, G. Salbreux, M.M. Inamdar, D. Riveline, Pulsations and flows in tissues : two collective dynamics with simple cellular rules. iScience 25, 105053 (2022).
R. Thiagarajan, Mandar M. Inamdar and Daniel Riveline, Interplay between cell height variations and planar pulsations in epithelial monolayers, Eur. Phys. J. E (2022) 45, 49.
J. Comelles, S.S. Soumya, L. Lu, E. Le Maout, S. Anvitha, G. Salbreux, F. Jülicher, M.M. Inamdar, D. Riveline, Epithelial colonies in vitro elongate through collective effects. eLife10, e57730 (2021).
É. Fodor, V. Mehandia, J. Comelles, R. Thiagarajan, N. S. Gov, P. Visco, F. van Wijland, D. Riveline, Spatial Fluctuations at Vertices of Epithelial Layers: Quantification of Regulation by Rho Pathway. Biophys. J.114, 939 (2018).
F. Graner, D. Riveline, ‘The forms of tissues, or cell-aggregates’: D’Arcy Thompson’s influence and its limits.Development.144, 4226 (2017).
Scaling and injections of fission yeast
X. Le Goff, J. Comelles, C. Kervrann, D. Riveline, Ends and middle: global force balance determines septum location in fission yeast.European Physical Journal E.43, 31 (2020).
D. Riveline, Explaining lengths and shapes of yeast by scaling arguments.PLoS One.4, 6205 (2009).
D. Riveline, P. Nurse, “Injecting” yeast.Nat. Methods.6, 513 (2009).
Reinforcement of focal contacts and cell-cell junctions
N. Osmani, J. Pontabry, J. Comelles, N. Fekonja, J. G. Goetz, D. Riveline, E. Georges-Labouesse, M. Labouesse, An Arf6- and caveolae-dependent pathway links hemidesmosome remodeling and mechanoresponse.Mol. Biol. Cell29, 435 (2018).
J. Brevier, D. Montero, T. Svitkina, D. Riveline, The asymmetric self-assembly mechanism of adherens junctions: A cellular push-pull unit.Phys. Biol.5, 016005 (2008).
J. Brevier, M. Vallade, D. Riveline, Force-extension relationship of cell-cell contacts.Phys. Rev. Lett.98, 268101 (2007).
H. Delanoë-Ayari, R. Al Kurdi, M. Vallade, D. Gulino-Debrac, D. Riveline, Membrane and acto-myosin tension promote clustering of adhesion proteins. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A.101, 2229 (2004).
H. Delanoë-Ayari, P. Lenz, J. Brevier, M. Weidenhaupt, M. Vallade, D. Gulino, J. F. Joanny, D. Riveline, Periodic adhesive fingers between contacting cells.Phys. Rev. Lett.93, 108102 (2004).
N. Q. Balaban, U. S. Schwarz, D. Riveline, P. Goichberg, G. Tzur, I. Sabanay, D. Mahalu, S. Safran, A. Bershadsky, L. Addadi, B. Geiger, Force and focal adhesion assembly: A close relationship studied using elastic micropatterned substrates.Nat. Cell Biol.3, 466 (2001).
D. Riveline, E. Zamir, N. Q. Balaban, U. S. Schwarz, T. Ishizaki, S. Narumiya, Z. Kam, B. Geiger, A. D. Bershadsky, Focal contacts as mechanosensors: Externally applied local mechanical force induces growth of focal contacts by an mDia1-dependent and ROCK-independent mechanism.J. Cell Biol.153, 1175 (2001),